
Teach You The Standard Operating Procedures Of Stainless Steel Emulsifier

Publish Time: Author: Site Editor Visit: 26

High Shear Emulsifier

1. Turn on the heating switch of the stainless steel emulsifier to preheat the pot.

2. Check the equipment to see if the valves are closed. When one device is enabled for heating, the air inlet valves of the other two devices must be closed.

3. Close the switch, turn on the switch, heat the water pot and oil pot first, open the air outlet valve before heating, and then open the air inlet valve.

4. When the temperature is heated to about 50℃, you can stir it to speed up the temperature rise. When the temperature required by the process is reached, stir it again to make the material reach a uniform temperature.

5. When the water and oil temperature reaches above 60℃, the emulsifier can be heated. When the emulsifier is turned on for heating, first close the water inlet valve and the water outlet valve of the vacuum emulsifier, and then open the heating valve.

6. When the emulsifying pot of the stainless steel emulsifier reaches the temperature required by the process, close all valves on the emulsifying pot and evacuate. When evacuating, first open the vacuum button on the panel, and then open the ball valve on the top.

7. When the vacuum pressure is above 0.2Mpa, you can extract the material. After the extraction is completed, close the extraction valve. When the pressure reaches 0.4Mpa, stop evacuating.

8. Turn on the emulsifying pot for stirring.

9. After the emulsifying pot is heated to the temperature required by the process, set the homogenization relay time, turn on the homogenization button, adjust the speed, and homogenize the emulsifying pot.

10. After homogenization, open the drain valve first, then open the water inlet valve to cool the emulsifying pot.

11. When the temperature is reduced to the required temperature, turn off the stirring and release the vacuum from the extraction port or the spice inlet.

12. Discharging of the stainless steel emulsifier: Raise the pot cover, scrape the material on the stirring paddle, shake the crank below, and shake the pot down for discharging.

Teach You The Standard Operating Procedures Of Stainless Steel Emulsifier

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