
Homogenizer Is Worth Buying

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The main mechanical equipment for making emulsions is a homogenizer, which is an emulsifying equipment that can mix oil and water evenly. At present, there are three main types of homogenizers: emulsifying mixer, colloid mill and homogenizer.

The type, structure and performance of High Shear Emulsifier can determine the size of emulsion particles and the quality of emulsion. Generally, the stirring homogenizer, which is simple to manufacture and cheap, is widely used in cosmetics factories. The emulsion produced has poor dispersibility, large and rough particles, and is unstable; therefore, it is necessary to choose a reasonable structure of the machine and use it properly to produce popular cosmetics that meet quality requirements. In recent years, homogenizing machinery has made great progress. For example, the emulsion prepared by the homogenizer has excellent dispersibility and stability.

Homogenizer Is Worth Buying

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